222 research outputs found

    Google Sketchup aplicado al desarrollo de videojuegos educativos

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    Los objetivos que se pretenden alcanzar en este Proyecto son: la realización de un estudio de la herramienta, el desarrollo de los modelos 3D y el desarrollo de videojuegos utilizando modelos de SketchUp. Respecto al estudio de la herramienta, describiremos qué es lo que buscamos averiguar con dicho estudio y a que profundidad lo llevaremos a cabo. Respecto a los modelos, contaremos las razones por las que realizamos dichos modelos y cuáles son los requisitos que deben cumplir para ser considerados válidos. Respecto al desarrollo de los videojuegos, contaremos qué objetivos se persiguen al utilizar modelos de SketchUp en el desarrollo de videojuegos.Ingeniería Técnica en Telemátic

    La mediacion parental y el uso de internet

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    El objetivo de esta investigación fue conocer el uso de Internet, su finalidad y la mediación parental percibida en una muestra de 1238 adolescentes, con edades comprendidas entre los 14 y los 19 años, y en ocho contextos culturales. El instrumento utilizado fue le cuestionario de hábitos televisivos (CH-TV.02). Mediante el mismo se han analizado los siguientes indicadores: finalidad de uso y horas de permanencia en Internet y mediación parental. La recogida de datos se realizó a través de una plataforma on-line y presencialmente. Los resultados muestran un uso moderado de la red con variaciones según el contexto, aunque la función comunicativa es la predominante en todos ellos. Las diferencias a pesar de ser significativas hay que interpretarlas con prudencia dado el tamaño de la muestra. Respecto a la mediación parental en Internet se hallaron, mediante un análisis factorial exploratorio, tres tipos de mediación, destacando la mediación restrictiva y el covisionado; en cuanto a los perfiles hallados, mediante un análisis de Cluster, destacan cuatro perfiles en el colectivo juvenil estudiado: instructivo, inhibido, covisionado y restrictivo, sobresaliendo el perfil inhibido como el más percibido por los adolescentes seguido del covisionado con diferencias significativas entre los ocho contextos estudiados.The aim of this research project was to analyze the Internet use and parental mediation in a cross-cultural sample group. The sample group comprised 1238 adolescents aged between 14 and 19, from eight different cultural contexts. The television viewing habits questionnaire (CH-TV.02) was used to analyze the following indicators: reason for use and hours spent on the Internet and parental mediation in Internet use. The data were collected both by means of an on-line platform and in person. The results show a moderate use of the Internet with context-based variations, although the communicative function was predominant in all cultural contexts studied. Although significant differences were found between the different contexts, they were moderate in nature and should be interpreted with caution, given the size of the sample. In relation to parental mediation in Internet use, an exploratory factorial analysis found three types of mediation, with restrictive mediation and co-viewing being particularly relevant. As regards the profiles found, a Cluster analysis identified four profiles in the group of young people studied: instructive, inhibited, co-viewing and restrictive, with the inhibited profile being the one most frequently perceived by adolescents, followed by coviewing, with significant differences being observed between cultures

    Savana: Un Entorno Integral de Extracción de Información y Expansión de Terminologías en el Dominio de la Medicina

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    Terminological databases constitute a fundamental source of information in the medical domain. They are used daily both by practitioners in the area, as well as in academia. Several resources of this kind are available, e.g. CIE, SnomedCT or UMLS (Unified Medical Language System). These terminological databases are of high quality due to them being the result of collaborative expert knowledge. However, they may show certain drawbacks in terms of faithfully representing the ever-changing medical domain. Therefore, systems aimed at capturing novel terminological knowledge in heterogeneous text sources, and able to include them in standard terminologies have the potential to add great value to such repositories. This paper presents, first, Savana, a Biomedical Information Extraction system which, combined with a validation phase carried out by medical practitioners, is used to populate the Spanish branch of SnomedCT with novel knowledge. Second, we describe and evaluate a system which, given a novel medical term, finds its most likely hypernym, thus becoming an enabler in the task of terminological database enrichment and expansion.Las bases terminológicas médicas constituyen una fuente de información fundamental en el dominio médico, ya que son utilizadas a diario tanto por profesionales en el sector como en el ámbito académico. Existen numerosos recursos de este tipo, tales como la Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades (CIE), SnomedCT, o UMLS (Unified Medical Language System). La calidad de estas bases terminológicas es en general alta, dado que están construidas manualmente por expertos. Sin embargo, su capacidad para representar fielmente un dominio como el médico, que se encuentra en constante evolución, es limitada. Por tanto, el desarrollo de sistemas capaces de capturar nuevo conocimiento en fuentes textuales heterogéneas e incluirlas en terminologías estándar tienen el potencial de añadir un gran valor añadido a dichas terminologías. Este artículo presenta, en primer lugar, Savana, un sistema de extracción de información biomédica que, combinado con validación por parte de profesionales médicos, es utilizado para popular la rama española de SnomedCT con nuevo conocimiento. En segundo lugar, describimos y evaluamos un sistema que, dado un término médico nuevo, le asigna su hiperónimo más probable, constituyendo así un facilitador en tareas de enriquecimiento y expansión de bases terminológicas médicas.This work is partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the following sponsorships: Maria de Maeztu Units of Excellence Programme (MDM-2015-0502), and TUNER project (TIN2015-65308-C5-5-R, MINECO/FEDER, UE)

    Socialización y televisión: perfiles de adolescentes en un estudio transcultural

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    Desde el marco teórico de la teoría de la recepción, el objetivo de esta investigación fue conocer algunos perfiles de consumo televisivo en una muestra transcultural. Los participantes pertenecen a ocho contextos culturales diferentes, tres en el contexto español, cuatro en el contexto latinoamericano, y uno el contexto irlandés. La muestra total estuvo constituida por 545 hombres y 676 mujeres. Para la consecución de los objetivos específicos se aplicó el cuestionario de hábitos televisivos, creado “ad hoc” y validado por los autores de este trabajo. La recogida de datos se realizó en papel y on-line. Cabe destacar que se han hallado diferencias significativas en los ocho contextos analizados y en todos los indicadores estudiados. Entre las conclusiones señalar que el medio televisivo no es tan pernicioso como se prejuzga y que los cuatro perfiles hallados tienen una característica común: el rechazo a los chismes y a los Shows.Within the theoretical framework of reception theory, the aim of this research project was to analyze certain television viewing profiles in a cross-cultural sample group. Participants came from eight different cultural contexts, three located in Spain, four in Latin America and one in Ireland. The total sample group was comprised by 545 boys and 676 girls. In order to achieve the specific aims of the study, an ad hoc questionnaire of television viewing habits was administered. Data were gathered both on paper and on-line. Significant differences were found in all eight contexts analyzed, and in all the indicators studied. The results indicate that television is not as harmful as general prejudice suggests and that the four profiles found all have one characteristic in common, namely the rejection of celebrity gossip and talk shows

    Brazo robot de bajo coste con motores paso a paso que escribe

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    El trabajo presentado como fin de grado es un brazo articulado con tres grados de libertad y un efector final fijo en el que se le ha encomendado la tarea de escribir. El movimiento es aplicado por tres motores paso a paso -Nema17- que controlados mediante el microprocesador de Arduino Mega y sus respectivos drivers pondremos en funcionamiento. Estarán limitados en movimiento por sensores fin de carrera. En este proyecto se ha considerado que la estructura del brazo será en madera MDF de tres milímetros de grosor cuyo previo diseño se ha realizado en un software gráfico como es CorelDraw. Para los mecanismos se ha usado metacrilato de tres milímetros para los engranajes y de cinco milímetros para los piñones ya que son piezas que estarán en movimiento y la fricción será alta. El proyecto que se presenta, consiste en la construcción y programacón de un brazo robótico en madera para su uso didáctico dirigidos a alumnos de ingeniería o aquellos que sientan curiosidad por este proyecto, ya que uno de los objetivos es hacerlo accesible a todos, de fácil comprensión ante estos nuevos conocimientos. Lo primero que haremos será explicar el modelo usado para el robot y su construcción, las piezas usadas, la electrónica y los materiales, así como las medidas aproximadas de cada una de ellas, ya que serán esenciales en la programación. Por último, se hablará del lenguaje que usaremos para programarlo, así como del código que se ha usado para su funcionamiento.This work in order of degree talks about a robotic 3 degree of freedom arm with a fix end-effector handle to write. Motion is due to 3 stepper motors -Nema17- controlled by a microprocessor from Arduino Mega and drivers respectively. Also, we will use 3 endstop sensors to limit the movement. In this project it has been considered that the structure of the arm will be in wood three millimeters thick, designed in a graphic software named CorelDraw. For the gears we will use methacrylate of three and five millimeters because of the high friction. The project is based on the construction and programming of a robotic arm in wood for teaching uses leaded to engineering students or those who are curious about this project, since one of the objectives is to make it accessible to everyone, easily comprenhension. First at all, we will explain the model used for the robot and its construction, the parts used, the electronics and the materials. Finally, we will talk about the language we will use to program it, as well as the code that has been used for its operation.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Ingeniería Electrónica, Robótica y Mecatrónic

    Values perceived by adolescents and identification television characters

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue examinar la relación que, 1238 adolescentes de una muestra transcultural, pertenecientes a ocho contextos diferentes, establecen con los personajes favoritos de la televisión atendiendo a la identificación o grado de empatía y los valores que perciben en él. Partimos de la idea básica de que el estudio acerca de la identificación y la percepción de valores en sus personajes favoritos nos proporcionan claves importantes para la comprensión de los efectos del medio sobre los adolescentes. Las dos variables se analizarán buscando una posible relación entre ellas. Se utilizaron dos instrumentos de medida: el CHTV.02 y el Val. TV 02. Los resultados han demostrado que existen diferencias estadísticas significativas en el conjunto de los contextos culturales estudiados; no obstante, son moderadas. En las conclusiones hay que señalar que la mayoría de adolescentes se inclinan por personajes que encarnan valores prosociales.The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between 1238 adolescents from a cross-cultural sample encompassing eight different contexts and their favorite television characters, in accordance with the following aspects: identification or degree of empathy and values perceived in them. Our work was based on the idea that the study of identification and values perception in favorite characters would provide us with important information for understanding the effects of the medium on adolescents. The three variables were then analyzed in order to identify any possible relationship which may exist between them. Two measurement instruments were used: the CHTV.02 and the Val. TV 02. The results revealed statistically significant (although moderate) differences in the sample group as a whole. In conclusion, it can be said that the majority of adolescents tend to favor characters who embody prosocial values.peerReviewe

    Adolescents’ TV Viewing Patterns in the Digital Era: a Cross-cultural Study

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    The deep-rooted changes that have taken place in the media world over recent years have brought about changes in both television itself and in the relationships established with this medium. Consequently, it is important to understand how young people watch television today, in order to design strategies to help them develop the capacities they require to ensure responsible use. With this aim, the present study analyzes the television viewing habits of 553 adolescents (267 boys and 286 girls), aged between 14 and 19, from Ireland, Spain and Mexico. Through the implementation of two questionnaires (CH-TV 0.2 and VAL-TV 0.2), four viewing patterns were detected that can be generalized to all the contexts studied. Two of these patterns clearly distinguish between boys (critical-cultural) and girls (social-conversational), with boys viewing more cultural and information-oriented programs, and girls tending to watch shows with a view to talking about them later with their friends. Two of the variables which best distinguish between the other two patterns identified are the perception of a conflictive climate (conflictive-passive viewing) and the perception of responsible parental mediation (committed-positive viewing). Moreover, preferred television genre was found to be the factor with the greatest discriminatory power in relation to these patterns, while time spent watching television, perceived realism and cultural context were not found to be significant

    Intimacy in television programs : adolescents’ perception

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    Despite the negative criticism leveled at them, certain television genres which treat intimate problems and issues as a kind of spectacle may also help adolescents learn how to cope with interpersonal situations and gain awareness of key social problems. This study focuses on examining the arguments that adolescents use to explain their possible participation (or lack of participation), ei - ther as guests or members of the audience, in Celebrity Gossip Shows (Salsa Rosa) and Talk Shows (Diario de Patricia), within the interpretative framework of Turiel’s theory (2002). To this end, interviews were conducted with adolescents from the Basque Autonomous Region and the answers given were grouped into three domains: conventional, moral or private. The results found show that the vast majority would not consider attending these programs for private reasons, and when asked to think in what hypothetical case they would consider participating, any change of opinion was always «Diario de Patricia» or almost always «Salsa Rosa» prompted by moral motives. All of those who said they would participate in the two programs justified their answer using conventional arguments. We can conclude that the adolescents participating in the study continue to value personal privacy, even in association with certain television programs in which the limits between private and public are transgressed.______________________________________________ Determinados géneros televisivos que mediatizan la intimidad en forma de espectáculo, a pesar de las críticas negativas que reciben, también pueden servir a los adolescentes para aprender cómo afrontar situaciones interpersonales y tomar conciencia de problemas sociales relevantes. El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo conocer los argumentos que los adolescentes exponen para explicar su posible presencia o no como público o protagonista en los programas de crónica rosa (Salsa Rosa) y «talk show» (Diario de Patricia), en el marco interpretativo de la teoría de Turiel (2002). Para ello, se han llevado a cabo entrevistas con adolescentes de la Comunidad Autónoma Vasca cuyas respuestas se han categorizado en los dominios convencional, moral o privado y, posteriormente, han sido analizadas mediante el programa Nudist. Los resultados hallados muestran que la gran mayoría no acudirían a estos programas por argumentos privados y, cuando se les pide que piensen en qué caso hipotético acudirían, el cambio de opinión, siempre «Diario de Patricia» (DP) o casi siempre «Salsa Rosa» (SR), va acompañado de motivos morales. Por otra parte, la totalidad de los que acudirían a ambos programas lo justifican con argumentos convencionales. Se concluye que los adolescentes participantes en este estudio continúan concediendo valor a la privacidad, aun cuando se asocia a determinados programas televisivos en los que se transgreden los límites entre lo privado y lo público

    Genomic variation and population structure detected by single nucleotide polymorphism arrays in Corriedale, Merino and Creole sheep.

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    THE AIM OF THIS STUDY WAS TO INVESTIGATE THE GENETIC DIVERSITY WITHIN AND AMONG THREE BREEDS OF SHEEP: Corriedale, Merino and Creole. Sheep from the three breeds (Merino n = 110, Corriedale n = 108 and Creole n = 10) were genotyped using the Illumina Ovine SNP50 beadchip(®). Genetic diversity was evaluated by comparing the minor allele frequency (MAF) among breeds. Population structure and genetic differentiation were assessed using STRUCTURE software, principal component analysis (PCA) and fixation index (FST). Fixed markers (MAF = 0) that were different among breeds were identified as specific breed markers. Using a subset of 18,181 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), PCA and STUCTURE analysis were able to explain population stratification within breeds. Merino and Corriedale divergent lines showed high levels of polymorphism (89.4% and 86% of polymorphic SNPs, respectively) and moderate genetic differentiation (FST = 0.08) between them. In contrast, Creole had only 69% polymorphic SNPs and showed greater genetic differentiation from the other two breeds (FST = 0.17 for both breeds). Hence, a subset of molecular markers present in the OvineSNP50 is informative enough for breed assignment and population structure analysis of commercial and Creole breeds

    Savana: Re-using Electronic Health Records with Artificial Intelligence

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    Health information grows exponentially (doubling every 5 years), thus generating a sort of inflation of science, i.e. the generation of more knowledge than we can leverage. In an unprecedented data-driven shift, today doctors have no longer time to keep updated. This fact explains why only one in every five medical decisions is based strictly on evidence, which inevitably leads to variability. A good solution lies on clinical decision support systems, based on big data analysis. As the processing of large amounts of information gains relevance, automatic approaches become increasingly capable to see and correlate information further and better than the human mind can. In this context, healthcare professionals are increasingly counting on a new set of tools in order to deal with the growing information that becomes available to them on a daily basis. By allowing the grouping of collective knowledge and prioritizing “mindlines” against “guidelines”, these support systems are among the most promising applications of big data in health. In this demo paper we introduce Savana, an AI-enabled system based on Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Neural Networks, capable of, for instance, the automatic expansion of medical terminologies, thus enabling the re-use of information expressed in natural language in clinical reports. This automatized and precise digital extraction allows the generation of a real time information engine, which is currently being deployed in healthcare institutions, as well as clinical research and management